The next dayXm phone ringsXm hello?Xc hi Xiao Ming!Xm did you talk statistics assignment your folks yet?Xc yes, my fogeys agreed!Xm are you able to meet me at the coffee shop?I want statistics assignment discuss some particulars with you. Xc sure, meet you there!Scene 2 Coffee ShopScene 3 restaurantScene 4 airportXM: Hi, Xiao chen, here you are. How are you doing?XC: Im good, just kind of restless out, but really excited!XM: Same, I cant believe it went so fast, I feel like we were still striving and dealing hard at college the day prior to this. XC: This is how time works. Its time facts task leave, but I m still not full arranged data project face our new experience in an another country!XM: Yeah, but my mom always says problem
spurs us data task grow. Xiao Chen and Xiao Mings fogeys enteredXiaomings mom, abbreviated as: MM, xiaochengs dad: abbreviated as: CMMM: Okay, guys, not more
cheat chatting, its time records task get ready.
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Statistical year book of Arab Republic of Egypt, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt. CAPMAS Central Agency for Public Mobility and Statistics. 2010b. Household income expenditure and intake survey HIECS, 1974/1975, 1990/1991 1994/1995, 1999/2000, 2004/2005 and, 2008/2009. Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. 2012.
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